Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice Skating on the Beach...

it may be california but we still like to ice skate =) they set up a rink outside the hotel where i work (this is someone elses video but it gives you a good idea of what it's like) i went skating last night and it was fun =)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Seaworld Up Close...

one of the perks of being a Concierge... ;-)
(too bad i only had my camera phone on me!)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Futuro Sitio del Templo en Chile

ya se ha firmado un pre-contrato para este sitio:,-70.513966&spn=0.004492,0.008669&t=k&z=17&om=1&msid=108047689144587561114.00043908d464942bb08d2

un Articulo sobre el Templo en Penalolen:

Sitio Official - Official Site

My workplace - mi trabajo

Despues de quedar 5 meses in la China el anio pasado, encontre trabajo como un conserje en el Hotel Del Coronado

Gwen Stefani Concert - con una amiga Oct 30th '07

(casi no me vez, tengo mis lentes...)

English Classes in China =) Dec. 2006

i just need bangs then i'll fit in...

my old workplace, the Dongguan Youth and Children's Center. i call it the X building. it had nine floors and the Foreign Language department is on the left side on the 6th floor. Dongguan is about an hour and a half north of Hong Kong.

Kinder Part 1

Kinder Part 2

Kinder Part 3


High School

view at night from our office:

coworkers from Australia, England and USA as well.

Tierra Santa - Israel Marzo 2005

Italy Febrero 2005

Trevi Fountain

Vatican 1

Vatican 2

Vatican 3

Vatican 4

St. Peter's Church
